Cooking with Chef Pepin was a Facebook Live video broadcast from Chef Pepin where he cooked live and answered many questions from fans.

There is no other face, name and style associated with Latino foods and cooking in US Hispanic television than Chef Pepin. His mass appeal took his brand off-camera to become a true personality with celebrity status in the national Latino community from LA to NY.

Defining the American dream, Chef Pepin is self-made, innovative, talented and driven. These qualities, along with his quick humor, his unmatched charisma and down-to-earth approach to cooking, won the hearts of Latin audiences everywhere.

After more than 25 years on TV and fans spanning several generations, today “Chef Pepin” is a household name amongst Latinos.

Recognized as a credible source and fluently bilingual dynamic presenter garnered him English-language TV appeal to bicultural and non-Hispanic audiences. Among his on English language television: ABC, NBC and CBS affiliates across the country, Lifetime and Bravo, among others.

With his trademark chef’s hat and winning smile, Chef Pepín has been boosting on-air ratings for over two decades. His weekly segments on Spanish television’s #1 Morning show, Despierta América, (seen on more than 690 broadcast and cable stations in two continents), are highly coveted by Madison Ave.

In 2012, in an effort to make Hispanics aware of the importance of healthy eating, Chef Pepin partnered up with The First Lady of the United States and The White House to launch the Latino version of “My Plate”. In 2009, he launched a limited edition line of kitchenware and small food appliances exclusively available in stores and via online catalogs at, Burlington Coat Factory, Home, and AASEF Exchange.

Volteado De Piña Royal Prestige

1 caja de mezcla de pastel de piña (18.25 oz
2 huevos
2 cucharadas de mantequilla
½ taza de azúcar morena
8 rodajas de piña (en lata en su propia almíbar)
8 cerezas marrasquino

En el tazón para mezclar de 5 cuartos, agrega la mezcla de pastel de piña, el almíbar de la lata de piña y los dos huevos; bate con el globo bien hasta que agarre la consistencia.
Agrega la mantequilla en el Sartén de 10½ pulgadas y calienta a temperatura media por aproximadamente 2 minutos o hasta que se derrita. Añade el azúcar y revuelve bien hasta que se disuelva.
Acomoda las 8 rodajas de piña en el sartén con una cereza en el centro. Con la ayuda de la espátula, vierte uniformemente la mezcla de pastel, empezando por los bordes hacia el medio.
Remueve la sartén del fuego y reduce la temperatura a baja, tapa con la válvula Redi-Temp cerrada y cocina por 12 minutos.
Voltea cuidadosamente el sartén de manera que el pastel caiga sobre un plato grande o sobre la misma tapa. Deja el sartén reposando por 1 minuto. Retíralo del pastel y unta el caramelo restante. Sirve tibio o frio.

Cooking with Chef Pepin

Learn more about Chef Pepin